Billing Guide
Billing Guide
Medical billing can be complicated. To help, we've answered some common questions about our billing process.
What are a deductible, co-payment and coinsurance?
A deductible is the annual expense you must pay before your insurance benefits start. A co-payment is the set amount you are required to pay for each visit. Coinsurance is the portion of the bill you are responsible to pay.
Why do I have to bring my insurance card for each visit?
Insurance cards contain information needed to accurately bill your insurance provider and submit claims on your behalf. By bringing your insurance card to each visit, we can be sure your information is up-to-date and correct insurance is being billed, resulting in a quicker resolution to your account.
I have had multiple visits to OMC and now am receiving multiple bills. Why can’t we have everything combined on one bill?
Each visit to OMC is considered unique, which means that each time you visit, you will be assigned an account number specific to that visit. Insurance companies look at each visit separately to determine how to process your claim and review the coverage of your policy.
Also, even though your services may have occurred at OMC, some of our specialists have their own billing offices and may generate their own bills. If you have questions about a bill, use the phone number printed on the bill to contact the correct billing office.
What are my payment options?
OMC accepts personal checks, money orders, health savings account reimbursements, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and VISA. Payments can be made in person, through the mail or online. Payment plans are also accepted. Contact our Business Office at 715-294-2111 or 888-565-4662. for more information.
What if I cannot pay my medical bills?
Contact our financial counselors immediately. The sooner you notify us of an issue, the quicker we can assist.
OMC has a variety of payment options. We can also assist in determining if you qualify for financial assistance, or if there are programs available that will help pay your balance. Call a financial counselor at one of the phone numbers below. (If you leave a message, please include your name, phone number and account number, and the name of your insurance company.)
Financial Counselors 715-294-5684 or 715-294-5637
Additional Resources
For assistance applying for Medicaid, contact the office below of the county in which you live.
Polk County Human Services 715-485-8400
Chisago County Social Services 651-213-0324
St. Croix Human Services 715-246-8263
Why does it take so long after a visit to receive a bill?
After your visit to OMC, we send a claim to your insurance company on your behalf. Some insurance companies may take up to 120 days to process your claim. The following chart illustrates the sequence between a medical visit and a bill.

Online Payment Questions
What payment types do you accept?
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
Are my payments secure?
Yes, your transactions are processed using secured servers.
Can I view my balance online?
Currently you can only make payments online. Access to real-time account balances is not available at this time. If you have questions about your bill, please call 715-294-2111 or 888-565-4662 and ask for your account representative.
Is there a fee for paying my bill online?
There are no fees for making your payment online.
I made an online payment. When does it get applied to my account?
Please allow two business days for your payment to be applied to your account.
How can I confirm that my payment has been made?
You will receive a confirmation email to the address that you specifiy.
Your Osceola Medical Center Bill
This service is only available for bills from Osceola Medical Center.